Q-Logic 59047-10 D Switch User Manual

3–MIB-II Objects
egpNeighAs (
59047-10 D 3-47
egpNeighAs (
The autonomous system of this EGP peer. Zero should be specified if the
autonomous system number of the neighbor is not yet known.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
egpNeighInMsgs (
The number of EGP messages received without error from this EGP peer.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory
egpNeighInErrs (
The number of EGP messages received from this EGP peer that proved to be in
error (for example, bad EGP checksum).
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory
egpNeighOutMsgs (
The number of locally generated EGP messages to this EGP peer.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory