NovaJet PRO 600e User's Guide
I-12 Troubleshooting
Serial RS-232/422 Connection
NovaJet PRO 600e models use an ImageWriter II cable with a 8 pin DIN connector on the printer
Parallel Connection
Use the Creative Solutions Centronics board which is available from a Macintosh computer store.
Problems printing over a network
Be sure that the printer is configured to run on the network. Pick a driver in your software that is
also listed under Emulation on the printer.
No output when printing from Unix
If you encounter “no output” problems when printing from Unix, try the following:
1. Check the printer hardware.
• Check that the printer is plugged in and turned on.
• Check that the cable is connected to the port on the printer and the port on the worksta-
tion or server.
• Check that the cable is the correct cable and is not defective.
• If the printer is connected to a serial port, make sure the cable supports hard-
ware flow control. A NULL modem adapter needs to support this.
• Check that hardware switches for the port are correctly set.
• Use the printer’s self-test feature or run the demo print to assure that the printer
is functioning.
• Check that the baud settings for the computer and printer are correct. If the
settings do not match, the file may be printed incorrectly or not at all.
2. Verify network connections.
• On a print client or server, type ping system-name and press Return. This
command checks that the network link between the print server and print client
is set up correctly.
If the message says the system is alive, the network is functioning. The message
also tells you that either a naming service or the local /etc/hosts file has trans-
lated the host (system) name entered into an IP address. If it hasn’t, you must
enter the IP address.
• If you get a “not available” message, check the following: