Roku HD2000 Network Router User Manual

OFF image is displayed. This allows buttons to highlight as the mouse cursor moves over
Rollover Events
Use either of the following keywords in the events row to setup a rollover region:
Relor – you define a rectangular rollover region using this format:
o relor:x:y:width:height:enable_rollover:on_bitmap:off_bitmap:x_origin:y_
o x:y - represents the starting position, where 0,0 is in the upper left
o width, height: width and height of the touch area in pixels
o enable_rollover: 1 to enable rollovers, 0 to disable rollovers
o on_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is
within the defined region
o off_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is not
within the defined region.
o x_origin,y_origin: rollover origin - the starting coordinates for the
rollover image. Set to -1, -1 to keep the default origin (same as the touch
Reloc – you define a circular rollover region using this format:
o reloc:x:y:radius:enable_rollover:on_bitmap:off_bitmap:x_origin:y_origin
o x, y: center of the touch area
o radius: radius of the touch area in pixels
o enable_rollover: 1 to enable rollovers, 0 to disable rollovers
o on_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is
within the defined region
o off_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is not
within the defined region.
o x_origin,y_origin: rollover origin - the coordinates for the center of the
rollover image. Set to -1, -1 to keep the default origin (same as the touch
Example 4: rectangular rollover region
This is an example of what you would enter in the CSV file to define a rollover region. In
this example:
Starting x and y
Width and Height
On and Off image
Rollover Enabled
Rollover origin