Runco VX-5C Projector User Manual

CHANNEL - A channel is a collection of measurements, locations and settings that tailor a dis-
play to your specific needs. Since source types and applications can vary greatly, you will likely
want to adjust and define a wide variety of parameters, such as brightness, contrast, tint, size,
etc., in order to customize and optimize the display coming from a particular source. For exam-
ple, the display settings you choose for a VCR source may be very different from those you
choose for a high resolution computer source, or one signal may simply vary from another sig-
nal used earlier through the same input location. Once you have adjusted a display parameter,
such as pixel tracking or contrast, all current settings are collectively stored in the projector's
memory as a unique 2-digit channel, such as . You can have numerous distinct channels
available for the same input, any of which can be selected by using the key on the keypad fol-
lowed by the 2-digit channel number.
NOTE: The key may display a channel list or not, depending on what you have defined
within the Preferences menu (see Preferences later in this section). Shown at right is a sample
channel list available from .
In order to use channels ( on the keypad), you must first create them. See below.
Creating a New Channel - AUTOMATIC -
To use a new source with the projector, a new channel must be added to projector memory so
that the projector will respond properly to an input signal from that source in the future. A new
channel can be created automatically, as described here, or it can be copied from an existing
channel and then edited as necessary (see Copying or Deleting Channels later in this section).
When you select a direct input (press or , , , or ), the existing channels
in the projector are searched for matching input and signal parameters. If no match to the
incoming input signal is found in the currently defined channels, a new channel is temporarily
created based on factory-defined defaults for this signal. The channel number assigned to this
channel is the lowest available number from 01-99.
NOTES: 1) An automatic channel will be discarded unless one or more of its parameters are
changed, and will not appear in the Channel List (see below). 2) If two channels have the same
distinguishing source characteristics except for the reversal of sync connectors (i.e., H-sync and
V-sync, are switched), they are still defined as distinct channels. 3) You cannot define a new
channel without a signal present.
If the incoming signal does match an existing channel, the image will be set up and displayed
as usual according to the parameters currently defined for that channel.