(1) Load to the personal computer
Load the contents of the floppy diskette into the memory of the personal computer.
Select "FD TRANS."
Select "Load."
Select a file name.
Press the "Enter" key.
Start loading into the personal computer.
Select "PC TRANS."
Select "Write."
Select "DL M. stn. PARAM." or "DL S. stn.
When the connected JW-21MN is a master station, select "DL M. stn.
PARAM." When the connected JW-21MN is a slave station, select "DL S. stn.
After selecting "PC stop," press the "Operation
stops" key.
(2) Stop operation of the JW-21MN
After stopping operation, load the memory contents of the personal computer into the JW-21MN.
(3) Load to the JW-21MN
After stopping operation, load the memory contents of the personal computer into the JW-
(4) Start operation of the JW-21MN
After loading the parameters from the personal computer, start operation of the JW-21MN.
After selecting "Parameter writing," press
the "Enter" key.
Start loading into the JW-21MN.
After selecting "Start: write EEPROM" or
"Execution start," press the "Enter" key.
Start operation of the JW-21MN