2-5 (E)
2-3. Error Indication
This section describes errors that are indicated on the ERROR No. indicator on the CPU-339 board or
indicated on the front panel LED together with their remedies.
2-3-1. Error Number Display on the CPU-339 Board
ND701, ND702, ND703
If any abnormality is detected by self-diagnostics, its error code is displayed. Contents of the respective
error codes are shown below. If two or more errors occur at the same time, only the error code that is
detected first is displayed. In order to display the second error, either remove the cause of the first error or
clear the display by setting the rotary switch (S706) on the CPU-339 board to “5” position.
Error code Contents Remedy
000 Normal operation _
027 The S-BUS line has the open circuit. Install the 75-ohm terminator.
(Detected by use or not use of the 75-ohm terminator.)
040 Cross-point error Check operation of the input and
Presence/absence of the signal in the input connector output boards and replace the
does not match with that in the output connector at the defective board.
set cross-point.
050 Battery backup error Download the backup data by
This code appears after the power is turned on or referring to Section 2-6-3.
immediately after resetting the system when the setup
data contents that are backed up by battery cannot be
060 Sync signal error Connect the input reference signal to
Reference video signal is not input even though the the REF IN connector.
operating mode is selected in the status that the cross-
point should be switched in synchronization with the
reference video signal.
070 Fan stop Replace the fan unit.
One or more fans among what are installed in the HDS-
X5800 stop.
072 Temperature rise error Check ambient temperature and
Temperature inside the HDS-X5800 has increased ventilation of the equipment.
exceeding the specified temperature.
080 ROM/RAM error Replace the CPU-339 board.
This code appears after the power is turned on or
immediately after resetting the system when result of ROM
differs from the value stored in RAM, or when the write
checksum contents differ from the read contents as the
result of RAM writing test. This code appears only once
after the program version is upgraded. When this code does
not appear, the program version is not upgraded normally.
0FE Flash memory write error Re-download the program. (For the
The system does not start up because the program is not downloading procedure, refer to the
downloaded correctly. Maintenance Manual.)
FFF CPU board operation error Replace the CPU-339 board.
During the normal operation, this code appears
momentarily after resetting the system, and the number
changes to eachstatus number. If the code “FFF” is kept
displayed, the program does not start up.
ND703 ND701
2-3. Error Indication