SiS VGA Driver Installation SY-5STM
Enhanced Video Modes (continued)
47 800x600 64K 56 35.1 K 36.0 M
47* 800x600 64K 60 37.9 K 40.0 M
47+ 800x600 64K 72 48.0 K 50.0 M
47# 800x600 64K 75 46.8 K 50.0 M
47## 800x600 64K 85 53.7 K 56.3 M
48 800x600 16.8M 56 35.1 K 36.0 M
48* 800x600 16.8M 60 37.9 K 40.0 M
48+ 800x600 16.8M 72 48.0 K 50.0 M
48# 800x600 16.8M 75 46.8 K 50.0 M
48## 800x600 16.8M 85 53.7 K 56.3 M
49i 1024x768 32K 87 35.5 K 44.9 M
49n 1024x768 32K 60 48.4 K 65.0 M
49n+ 1024x768 32K 70 56.5 K 75.0 M
49n# 1024x768 32K 75 60.2 K 80.0 M
49n## 1024x768 32K 85 68.7 K 94.5 M
4Ai 1024x768 64K 87 35.5 K 44.9 M
4An 1024x768 64K 60 48.4 K 65.0 M
4An+ 1024x768 64K 70 56.5 K 75.0 M
4An# 1024x768 64K 75 60.2 K 80.0 M
4An## 1024x768 64K 85 68.7 K 94.5 M
4Bi 1024x768 16.8M 87 35.5 K 44.9 M
4Ci 1280x1024 32K 89 48.8 K 80.0 M
4Di 1280x1024 64K 89 48.8 K 80.0 M
Note: i.- interlaced mode
n - noninterlaced mode
For the limitation of memory bandwidth in 1MB DRAM
configuration, the following video modes are not supported in
1MB configuration: modes 45*, 45+,46+, 46#, 47+, and 47#.