ALS120 Audio Driver Installation SY-5STM
5-3 Windows 95
To perform the ALS120 audio driver installation in Windows 95
environment, follow these steps:
1. Power on the system and when the “New Hardware Found”
window comes up, click [OK] to accept the default. Select
“ Driver from disk pro-vided by hardware manufacturer.”
2. Click on [OK] when the “Install From Disk” dialog box appears.
3. Insert the “CD Title Disk” into diskette drive D (CD-ROM).
Select the D:\SOYO_CD\rev_10\utility\sis_aud directory and
click on [OK]. Windows 95 will automatically copy all of the
needed files and configure the ALS120 sound card.
4. The sound application is included on this diskette and you have
the option to install it now. If you do not need to install the
application, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and
skip steps 5 through 10.
5. Select [Run] from the start menu.
6. Type D:\SOYO_CD\rev_10\utility\sis_aud\setup and Click on
[OK]. (D=CD-ROM)
7. Click [Next] in the Welcome dialog box.
8. A Choose Destination dialog box will appears, Click [Next] to
install the sound driver to the default directory or click on
[Browse] if you want to install to a different directory.
9. Windows will automatically create a folder and icon for the
sound application.
10. Click [Finish]. The installation is complete.