
Rev. 0.70
3-3-9 Logo
ESC FS q n [x11 x12 y11 y12 d1…dk]1…[xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1…dk] n
[Name] Register logo
[Code] ASCII
ESC FS q n [x11 x12 y11 y12 d1 .. dk]1 .. [xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1 .. dk]n
1B 1C 71 n [x11 x12 y11 y12 d1 .. dk]1 .. [xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1 .. dk]n
27 28 113 n [x11 x12 y11 y12 d1 .. dk]1 .. [xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1 .. dk]n
[DenedArea] 1≤ n 255
0 xn1 255, 0 xn2 3
1 (xn1 + xn2 x 256) 1023
0 yn1 255, 0 yn2 1
1 (yn1 + yn2 x 256) 288
0 d 255
k = {(xn1 + xn2 x 256) x (yn1 + yn2 x 256) x 8}
[Initial Value] ---
[Function] Parameter details
•n:  Speciesregisteredlogocount
• xn1, xn2: Horizontal size of registered logo {(xn1 + xn2 x 256) x 8} dots
• yn1, yn2: Vertical size of registered logo {(yn1 + yn2 x 256) x 8} dots
• d: Registered logo data
• k: Logo data count
where ESC FS q is procssed.
the printer initialization is completed after registering a logo), error processing, mechanical operation and
• This command is executed only for logo registration and does not accompany the printing operation. Logos
are printed using the ESC FS p (print NV logo) command.
kept as parameter information separate to the data so the data region memory capacity is 258,048 Bytes.
Ex.: Whentheregistereddatasizepereachoneis6Kbytes(6,144bytes),itispossibletoregister
258,048/6144 = 42.
Note • If this command is used frequently, there is the possibility of damaging the non-volatile
memory. Write to the non-volatile memory less than 10 times in one day.
The relationships between input data and the actual print are shown on the next page.