2 Pushthereleaselevertowardsthefrontoftheprinter(tothe~ position).
This has the effect of releasingthe paper from the platen roller, and
engagingthe tractorfeed.
3 With the sprocketcovers open, tluvad the paper over the sprockets,
aiigningthe sprocketholeswiththe pinson the sprockets.
4 Adjustthe spacingof thesprocketsby slidingthemalongthebar, using
the clamp lever at the back of each sprocketto release and lock the
whenit is down,the sprocketis locked).
Release lever
Sprocket cover
5 Nowclosethespmcketcovers,againmakingsurethatthepapersprocket
holesare alignedwiththe pinson the sprockets.If theyare not aligned
in tearingandjammingof thepaper.
6 Tumonthe printerusingtheswitchattheback oftheprinter.Theprinter
willbeep(indicatingthatthepaperis notyet fullyloaded).This is also
confirmedby theorange