104 Migrating to the latest version
Migrating legacy installations of Symantec Critical System Protection
Table 5-1 lists the management server-related agent config tool commands:
Table 5-1 Agent config tool commands
Command Syntax Description
-host Windows: sisipsconfig -host
UNIX: sisipsconfig.sh –host
Set the IP address or fully qualified host name of
the primary management server and optional
alternate management servers used by the agent.
The list of management servers must comprise the
primary management server, which is always the
first server in the list. The remaining optional
servers in the list are considered alternate servers.
You may specify any number of optional alternate
management servers.
The management server list that you specify will
replace the current management server list used by
the agent. You cannot reorder or edit an existing
management server list.
The management server host names or IP
addresses configured for a single agent must be
Tomcat servers that talk to a single Symantec
Critical System Protection database. Using
multiple databases can result in unexpected agent
The management servers must use the same server
certificate and agent port.
-failbackinterval Windows: sisipsconfig
-failbackinterval num_mins
UNIX: sisipsconfig.sh
-failbackinterval num_mins
num_mins = number of minutes
Default: 60 minutes
Set the fail back interval, in minutes, for the agent
to try to communicate with the primary
management server.
Once an agent fails away from the first (primary)
server in the management server list, the agent
periodically checks if the first server is back. The
agent uses a fail back interval to determine when to
perform this server check.
-view Windows: sisipsconfig -view
UNIX: sisipsconfig.sh -view
Display all values that are configurable through
the agent config tool. The configurable values
include the management server list and fail back