Symantec Critical System Network Card User Manual

52 Installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
Installing a Windows agent
Logs File
C:\Program Files\Symantec
\Critical System Protection
The installation directory prefix for the <prefix dir>/scsplogs
The installation creates an scsplog folder under the folder that
you specify.
Agent Name Host name of agent
The agent name.
After installation, you can change the agent name using the
management console.
Polling Interval 300 seconds The interval that the agent uses to poll the management server
for policy and configuration updates.
Enable Intrusion
Enabled Indicates whether to enable intrusion prevention.
When enabled, the prevention features of Symantec Critical
System Protection are enabled for the agent. The IPS drivers are
loaded on the agent computer, and the agent accepts prevention
policies from the management console.
If you disable intrusion prevention and want to enable it in the
future, you must run the sisipsconfig.exe tool in the
\Agent\IPS\bin directory with the -i option, and restart the
computer. The -i option toggles the intrusion prevention service
on and off.
Symantec strongly recommends that you enable intrusion
Enable Real-time
Enabled Indicates whether to enable real-time notification.
In addition to using the polling interval, agents can use real-time
notification to obtain configuration changes. With real-time
notification, the management server sends a real-time
notification message to an agent as configuration changes occur.
Upon receiving the notification, the agent queries the
management server for the changes.
When real-time notification is disabled, the management server
does not send any messages to the agent and relies on the polling
interval to update the agent.
Notification port 2222 The port that is used to receive real-time notifications from the
management server.
You can change this port after installation by using the
management console to change the agent properties.
Table 3-4 Windows agent installation settings
Setting Default Description