Symantec Critical System Network Card User Manual

66 Installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
Uninstalling Symantec Critical System Protection
Uninstalling an agent using Add or Remove Programs
Agent uninstallation uses the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility.
If the agent enforces policy prevention, it prevents you from removing agent-
related files, the management server, and management console. If a service user
account was created during installation, the account is not removed during
Use one of the following methods to disable policy prevention on the agent:
Start the management console, and set the policy for the target agent to the
Null prevention policy (sym_win_null_sbp).
If the policy on the computer that runs the agent is not Null and permits
policy override, use the policy override tool to disable policy prevention.
See the Symantec Critical System Protection Policy Override Guide.
To uninstall an agent
1 Disable policy prevention on the agent computer.
2 On the computer that runs the agent, click Start > Settings >
Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
3 Click Symantec Critical System Protection Agent, and then click Remove.
4 Follow and complete the prompts until uninstallation completes.
5 Restart the agent computer.
Unattended uninstallation of an agent
You can perform an unattended (silent) uninstallation of an agent using the
agent.exe or agent-windows-nt.exe executable and InstallShield and Windows
Installer commands. The following command structure shows the sequencing:
MsiExec.exe /X{<PRODUCT CODE>} /qn /l*v!+ <UNINSTLL LOG FILE>
The <PRODUCT CODE> is the Symantec Critical System Protection uninstall
string necessary for MsiExec.exe. It can be found in the following directory:
Browse the list of IDs. Locate the Symantec Critical System Protection agent
application by looking at the properties in the right pane. Note the
UinstallString string, and copy and modify it. For example:
MsiExec.exe /X{3D24482F-98BD-48DD-AA62-8B24BFDE7329} /qn /l*v!+
The system reboot is suppressed after the uninstallation.