86 Installing UNIX agents
Uninstalling agents manually
pgrep -U sisips -P1 -f sisipsdaemon
pgrep -U sisips -P1 -f sisipsutildaemon
pgrep -U root -P1 -f sisidsdaemon
If the agent daemons are not running, continue with the next numbered
If the agent daemons are running, run the following command to stop each
agent daemon:
kill -KILL <agent_PID>
5 Type and run the following commands:
rem_drv sisips; rem_drv sisipsne;
find /kernel -name '*sisips*' | xargs rm -f
6 Type and run the following commands to remove the installation files:
rm -rf /opt/Symantec/scspagent (default directory)
rmdir /opt/Symantec (default directory)
rm -rf /etc/sisips
rm -f /etc/Symantec.conf
rm -f /etc/sisips.conf
rm -f /etc/init.d/sisips*
rm -f /etc/init.d/sisids*
rm -f /etc/rc?.d/*sisids*
rm -f /etc/rc?.d/*sisips*
rm -rf /etc/symantec/sis
rm -rf /var/log/scsplog
(default directory)
rm -f /var/run/sisipsdaemon.pid
rm -f /var/run/sisips*utildaemon.pid
rm -f /var/run/sisidsdaemon.pid
7 Type and run the following commands to remove the agent user and group:
userdel sisips
groupdel sisips
8 Remove the line “forceload: drv/sisips” from file /etc/system.
9 Type and run the following command to remove the definitions from the
native package database:
rm -rf /var/sadm/pkg/SYMCcsp
10 Run the following command to restart the computer:
init 6