50 Installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
Installing and configuring the management console
To configure the management console
1 Click Start > Programs > Symantec Critical System Protection >
Management Console.
2 In the Login window, click the green plus sign.
3 In the New Server Configuration panel, replace New Server with the name
that you want to use to identify your server.
4 In the New Server Configuration panel, specify the server configuration
parameters, and then click OK.
5 In the Login window, type symadmin in the User name box, select the new
server that you added, and then click Login.
6 In the Verify Server Certificate panel, select Always accept this certificate,
and then click OK.
7 In the Set Password panel, in the Password and Confirm Password boxes,
type the password to associate with the symadmin user name, type the
password again to confirm, and then click OK.
Admin port 8081 The Web server Administration Port number that was used during
management server installation.
See Table 3-2, “Management server installation settings,” on page 38.
See Table 3-1, “Port number mapping,” on page 32.
Use encrypted
Enabled Select this check box to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) X.509
certificate-based channel encryption for Symantec Critical System
SSL X.509 certificate-based channel encryption secures communication
between the management console and the management server, and
between the agent and the management server.
If you feel that your system provides adequate firewall security and you
do not want to use SSL X.509 certificate-based channel encryption for
Symantec Critical System Protection, clear this check box. If you clear
this check box, you must edit the server.xml file, found on the
management server, in the <Server_Install_Root>\tomcat\conf
directory. See the Symantec Critical System Protection Administration
Guide for instructions on editing server.xml.
Password none The password that is associated with the symadmin user name, which
you create the first time you start the management console.
Table 3-3 Management console configuration settings
Setting Default Description