7265 Programmer’s Manual 38
Copyright © 2004 TallyGenicom Chapter 3 ANSI Bar Codes
p1 - Bar Code Style
This printer supports the following styles:
p1 Style
0 Interleaved 2 of 5
1 Bidirectional 2 of 5
2 Matrix 2 of 5
3 Industrial 2 of 5
4 Code 3 of 9 (default)
5 EAN-8
6 EAN-13
7 Code 11
9 Codabar a/t (see note)
10 Codabar b/n (see note)
11 Codabar c/* (see note)
12 Codabar d/e (see note)
13 UPC-A
14 UPC-E
15 Code 93
16 Code 128 (subsets A, B, and C)
17 Reserved
18 Reserved
19 MSI
Note: Each of the four Codabar styles will accept any combination of valid start-stop characters
that you send. If you do not send any start-stop characters, then the printer generates start-stop
characters according to the style in force.
p2 – Height
Height of the bar code in 1/12-inch increments. The default is ¾ inch, which corresponds to an
argument of 9.
Caution: In some versions of the printer, the last non-zero value of p13 supplants all subsequent
values of p2 until you ISU that printer. (See page 41.)