Tally Genicom Matrix Printer Printer User Manual

Perforation Skip
Reset Perforation Skip
Data Structure
ASCII ESC "N" <n> set space before perforation (perforation skip)
hex. 1B 4E <n>
dec. 27 78 <n>
ASCII ESC "O" reset perforation skip
hex. 1B 4F
dec. 27 79
This code sequence enables the perforation skip function and sets the bottom margin
(distance between the last print line of one page and the first print line of the following
page) to n lines. The value specified for n must be in the range of 1 to 127 and must
be smaller than the form length minus the top margin.
The printer automatically advances the paper to the first printable line of the next page
whenever the current print line falls within the margin area defined as n lines from the
bottom of the current page (n being the value specified for the bottom margin area).
The margin area before and after the perforation is n times the current line spacing.
Once this margin area has been defined, it will not be affected by changing the line
spacing and remains effective until the printer receives code sequence ESC O (reset
perforation skip), or until form length is changed by ESC C or ESC C 0.
This code sequence deselects the perforation skip function set by ESC N <n>.The bot-
tom margin is set to 0 lines, thus disabling perforation skip. This results in continuous
printout, unless the software used in the computer defines the form length by counting
the printed lines.
This function only applies for fanfold paper, not for cut sheet processing or with mounted
sheet feeder.
Paper and Text Formatting