Operations 4Operations 4
Operations 4Operations 4
Operations 4
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
ESC in any status page will take you to the last set-up
screen and eventually the main analyze mode.
PREV steps you back one status page.
NEXT moves forward one status page.
2. Press STAT for system status.
(If only one cell block is installed, TEST and INSTL
will be omitted.)
3. Status page one displays the active sensor (A or B), the
system time/date, and the system hardware configura-
tion. The number and date of the installed software ver-
sion are also shown.
Press PREV for the previous screen, or NEXT for the
next screen.
4. Status page two shows the O
level set for spanning, the
cell strength factor, the type and time of the last span,
the time interval for scheduled spanning (AutoSpan),
and whether or not scheduled spanning is active. [The
cell strength factor is an indication of the amount of cell
life left in the cell, with 1.00 being the most and 0.00 be-
ing the least.]
5. Status page three shows the time of the last zero, the
time interval for scheduled zeroing (AutoZero), and
whether or not scheduled zeroing is active.
6. Status page four shows the settings for the five pro-
grammable alarms.
System StatisticsSystem Statistics
System StatisticsSystem Statistics
System Statistics