D4h Normal POST start
FCh CMOS and BIOS ROM checksum test skip or
01h 80286 register test in-progress
02h CMOS write/read test in-progress or failure
03h BIOS ROM checksum in-progress or failure
04h Programmable Interval Timer test in-progress or
06h DMA page register write/read test in-progress or
08h RAM refresh verification in-progress or failure
09h 1st 64K RAM test in-progress
0Ah 1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - multi-bit
0Bh 1st 64K RAM odd/even logic failure
0Ch 1st 64K RAM address line failure
0Dh 1st 64K RAM parity test in-progress or failure
10h 1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure bit 0
20h Slave DMA register test in-progress or failure
21h Master DMA register test in-progress or failure
22h Master interrupt mask register test in-progress
or fail
23h Slave interrupt mask register test in-progress or
25h Interrupt vector loading in-progress
27h Keyboard controller test in-progress or failure
28h CMOS power-fail and checksum checks in-
29h CMOS config info validation in-progress
2Bh Screen memory test in-progress or failure
2Ch Screen initialization in-progress or failure
2Dh Screen retrace tests in-progress or failure
2Eh Search for video ROM in-progress
30h Screen believed operable
34h Timer tick interrupt test in-progress or failure
Error Messages