Toshiba B-EX Label Maker User Manual

Device Tab
[RS-232C] Group
[Baud Rate]:
Set a communication baud rate for the RS-232C port.
Default 9600 bps
Options 2400 bps, 4800bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 115200 bps
[Data Length]:
Select the data length for the RS-232C port.
Default 8 bits
Options 7 bits, 8 bits
Select the parity checking to be used by the RS-232C.
JA: Even
Other than JA: None
Options None, Even, Odd
[Stop Bit]:
Select the stop bit length for the RS-232C port.
Default 1 bit
Options 1 bit, 2 bits