Ex. 2: BASIC program for executing an input command with checksum (RS232C, ASCII mode)
(Toshiba version of Advanced BASIC-86 Ver. 3.01.05J)
◊ Checking if the maximum frequency setting has been changed correctly
1) Examples of programs
10 OPEN "COM1:9600,E,8,1" AS #1 --- 9600 baud, even parity, 8-bit length, 1 stop bit
20 INPUT"Send Data=";A$ --- Reads in data to be sent to the inverter.
30 S$="("+A$+"&" --- Adds “(“ and “&” to the read data in.
40 S=0
50 L=LEN(S$)
60 FOR I=1 TO L Calculates the number of bits (checksum).
70 S=S+ASC(MID$(S$,I,1))
90 CHS$=RIGHT$(HEX$(S),2)
100 PRINT #1,"("+A$+"&"+CHS$+")" --- Sends the data including the checksum result
to the inverter.
110 INPUT #1,B$ --- Receives data returned from the inverter.
120 PRINT "Receive data= ";B$ --- Displays the data received.
130 GOTO 20 --- Repeats.
2) Examples of program execution results
Send Data=? R0011 --- Reads the maximum frequency (0011).
Receive Data= (R00111F40&3D) --- 1F40 (Maximum frequency: 80 Hz)
Send Data=? W00111770 --- Changes the maximum frequency to 60 Hz
Receive Data= (W00111770&36)
Send Data=? R0011 --- Reads the maximum frequency (0011).
Receive Data= (R00111770&31) --- 1770 (Maximum frequency: 60 Hz)