Toshiba TOSVERT VF-S11 Power Supply User Manual

Analog Input Monitors (FE35, FE36)
Analog input value VIA monitor: “Communication Number FE35”
Analog input value VIB monitor: “Communication Number FE36”
Data: 10bit resolution (Data range 0 to 1023)
These monitors can also be used as an A/D converter independent of inverter control.
Setting except for “VIA” as the frequency setting mode will allow analog input (VIA) as an A/D con-
verter independent of inverter control.
Setting other than “VIB” as the frequency setting mode will allow analog input (VIB) as an A/D con-
verter independent of inverter control.
Note, however, input data to analog terminals will be regarded as frequency commands in case
analog input is selected in frequency setting mode selection.