Xilinx ML403 Switch User Manual

Reference System Specifics
XAPP979 (v1.0) February 26, 2007 www.xilinx.com 7
Table 5 provides a register description of the Interrupt Status register.
30 AAS Addressed as Slave. When the address on the IIC bus matches the
Slave address in the Address Register (ADR), the IIC Bus Interface is
being addressed as a Slave and switches to Slave mode. If 10-bit
addressing is selected this device will only respond to a 10-bit address
or general call if enabled. This bit is cleared when a stop condition is
detected or a repeated start occurs.
31 ABGC Addressed By a General Call. This bit is set high when another
master has issued a general call and the general call enable bit is set
high, CR(1) = ’1’.
Table 5: Interrupt Status Register
Bit Name Description
24 TFHE Transmit FIFO Half Empty
25 NAAS Not Addressed as Slave
26 AAS Addressed as Slave
27 BNB Bus is not Busy
28 RFF Receive FiFO Full
29 TFE Transmit FIFO Empty
30 TE/STC Transmit Error/Slave Transmit Complete
31 AL Arbitration Lost
Table 4: Status Register Bit Definitions (Contd)
Bit(s) Name Description