Chapter 8 Application Screens
NSA-220 User’s Guide
8.3.2 Songs and Videos from the iTunes Store
After using iTunes on your computer to download songs and videos from Apple’s iTunes
Store, you can copy them to the NSA. Many of these songs and videos have DRM (Digital
Rights Management). At the time of writing, you can use your Apple account ID and password
to authorize up to a total of five computers to play the files. To authorize a computer, open
iTunes and click Store > Authorize Computer.
8.4 Media Server Screen
Click Applications > Media Server to open the following screen. Use this screen to turn the
media server and/or iTunes server on or off and select shares to publish (share with media
clients like iTunes or the DLNA-compliant media client included on the NSA CD).
Figure 67 Applications > Media Server
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 25 Applications > Media Server
Media Server Name This is the name of the NSA media server on the network. It is the same
as the NSA’s server name. This name lets media clients distinguish
between multiple media servers on your network.
Disable / Enable Media
Turn on the media server to let (DLNA-compliant) media clients on your
network play media files located in the published shares.