[12345] LOCAL(0) 7 26 64 1 0.0 0.0 15.6
[5] 16 - 64 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
note: 1 source(master),2 source(peer),3 selected,4 candidate,5 configured
4.3 display ntp-service status
display ntp-service status
All views
Using the display ntp-service status command, you can display the state
information of the NTP service.
Display the state information of the NTP service.
[3Com] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized, stratum: 4, reference clock ID:
nominal freq: 250.0000 Hz, actual freq: 249.9990 Hz, precision: 2**19
offset: 7.33 ms, reftime: 00:10:22.438 PDT Mon Jul 5 2003 (AFE2525E.70597B34)
root delay : 133.36 ms, root disper: 126.28 ms, peer disper: 5.98 ms
The following table gives the explanation to the displayed information.
Table 4-1 Description of the state information of the NTP server
Item Description
The local system is synchronized with a remote NTP server or some clock
unsynchronized The local system is not synchronized with any remote NTP server.
stratum The NTP stratum level at which the local system is operating.
Specify the address of the remote server or ID of the clock source with which
the local system has synchronized.
nominal freq The nominal frequency of the hardware clock maintained by the local system
actual freq The real frequency of the hardware clock maintained by the local system
precision Precision of the local system clock
reftime Reference timestamp
offset The offset of the local clock relative to the NTP server
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2