(11) Journal Feed Key [JF] is used to advance the journal paper.
(12) Clerk Key [CLERK] is used for entering clerk numbers and the Manager's Password Code.
(13) Department Key [DEPT] is used to make entries for departments 1 - 99. Press Department after each
department number entry for departments 1 - 99.
(14) Non Tax Key [NON TAX] is used when no tax is to be registered for a department that is programmed for
(15) Tax 1 Key [TAX 1] adds a tax amount to the sales figure according to the tax rate programmed for this key.
Tax 1 key is normally used to program a single tax rate required by a particular area or state. It can also be
used to override the pre-programmed tax on a department key.
(16) Tax 2 Key [TAX 2] adds a tax amount to the sales figure according to the tax rate programmed for this key.
Tax 2 key is normally used to program a second tax rate required by a particular area or state. It can also
be used to override the pre-programmed tax on a department key.
(17) Minus Percentage Discount Key [-%] is used to subtract a percentage rate such as an employee discount
from an individual item. The rate can be pre-programmed or manually entered.
(18) Plus Percentage [+%] is used to add a percentage rate such as a service charge or gratuity to an individual
item. The percentage rate can be pre-programmed or manually entered.
(19) Paid-Out Key [PO] is used to register dollar amounts taken out of the cash drawer that are not part of a
sales transaction; i.e., petty cash.
(20) Received-On-Account Key [RA] is used to register dollar amounts placed in the cash drawer that are not
part of a sales transaction. Also used to register payments made to a customer's charge account or to
declare the starting amount of cash in the drawer for the day.
(21) Charge 2 Key is an extra Charge key.
(22) Charge 3 Key is an extra Charge key.
(23) Check/Stub Key [CHECK/STUBS] - double function - Check is used to finalize a transaction paid by a
check. Stub is used to issue the stub receipt after the transaction has been finalized.
(24) Charge/Validation Key [CHARGE] - double function - Charge is used to finalize a transaction paid by a
credit card or can be used to denote an in-house charge. Valid is used to validate a check or charge form
after the transaction has been finalized.
(25) Subtotal With Tax Key [SUBTOTAL W/TAX] displays the total sales amount, including sales tax. It is not
printed on the register receipt until the sale is finalized by pressing either the [CHECK/STUBS], [CHARGE]
or the [AMOUNT TEND/TOTAL] key.
(26) Subtotal, No-Sale and Non-Add Key [#/ST/NS] - triple function - As the No-Sale key, it opens the drawer
without registering any amounts; for example, to give change. The Non-Add key function allows entering up
to a 7 digit reference number which prints on sales receipts. As the Subtotal key, it displays and prints the
subtotal of a sale without sales tax.
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