ABC Office Alpha9155sc Printer User Manual

FLAG OPTIONS (Continued)
0 = Print on journal at Training Mode.
1 = Do not print on journal at Training Mode.
0 = Transaction Counter does not count up while in the Training Mode.
1 = Transaction Counter does count up while in the Training Mode.
SI/O 1 (Speed 9600bps Fix)
Chosen option numbers of Flag # 73 and # 77 must be different each other.
73 SI/O 1 Peripheral
0 = Barcode Scanner
1 = PC
74 SI/O 1 Parity Check
0 = No
1 = Odd
2 = Even
75 SI/O 1 Stop bit
0 = 1 stop bit
1 = 2 stop bit
76 SI/O 1 Data Length
0 = 7 - bit
1 = 8 - bit
SIO 2 (Speed 9600bps Fix)
Chosen option numbers of Flag #73 and #77 must be different each other.
77 SI/O 2 Peripheral
0 = Barcode Scanner
1 = PC
78 SI/O 2 Parity Check
0 = No
1 = Odd
2 = Even
79 SI/O 2 Stop bit
0 = 1 stop bit
1 = 2 stop bit
80 SI/O 2 Data Length
0 = 7 - bit
1 = 8 - bit
abcoffice 1-800-658-8788