Introducing the BIOS
User’s Manual
3-1. CPU Setup [SOFT MENU
The CPU can be setup through a programmable switch (CPU SOFT MENU
), that replaces the
traditional manual hardware configuration. This feature allows the user to more easily complete the
installation procedures. You can install the CPU without configuring any jumpers or switches. The CPU
must be setup according its specifications. In the first option, you can press <Enter> at any time to
display all the items that can be chosen for that option.
Figure 3-2. CPU SOFT MENU
CPU Name Is:
! AMD Athlon (tm) XP
! AMD Athlon (tm)
! AMD Duron (tm)
CPU Operating Speed:
This option sets the CPU speed. In this field, the CPU speed is indicated like this: CPU speed = External
clock * Multiplier factor, select the CPU speed according the type and the speed of your CPU. For AMD
XP, Athlon
and Duron
processors, you can choose the following settings (This example is for
AMD Athlon
XP processor):
!User Define !1500+ (133) !1600+ (133) !1700+ (133) !1800+ (133) !1900+ (133)
!>=2000+ (133)
The display of this item might be different when you installed the different type of processors. We just
show you an example here.
User defined external clock and multiplier factor: