61200214L1-1 IQ Probe User Manual 121
American National Standards Institute. Devices and proposes recommendations
for international communications standards.
American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. The standard
and predominant 7-bit (8-bit with parity) character code used for data
communications and data processing.
A method of data transmission which allows characters to be sent at irregular
intervals by preceding each character with a start bit, followed by a stop bit.
The loss of signal amplitude during transmission. The received signal is lower in
signal amplitude than the transmitted signal due to losses in the transmission
medium (resistance in the cable). Attenuation is measured in decibels.
The bandwidth determines the rate at which information can be sent through a
channel (the greater the bandwidth, the more information that can be sent in a
given amount of time).
backward explicit congestion notification. A bit set by a frame relay network to
notify an interface device (DTE) that congestion avoidance procedures should be
initiated by the sending device.