Agilent Technologies 1670G Printer Accessories User Manual

Query :MACHine{1|2}:TWAVeform:OPATtern? <label_name>
The OPATtern query, in pattern marker mode, returns the pattern
specification for a given label name. In the time marker mode, the query
returns the pattern under the O marker for a given label. If the O marker is
not placed on valid data, don’t cares (X) are returned.
Returned Format
Command :MACHine{1|2}:TWAVeform:OSEarch
The OSEarch command defines the search criteria for the O marker which is
then used with the associated OPATtern recognizer specification and the
OCONdition when moving markers on patterns. The origin parameter tells
the marker to begin a search from the beginning of the acquisition, from the
trigger, or from the X marker. The actual occurrence the marker searches for
is determined by the occurrence parameter of the OPATtern recognizer
specification, relative to the origin. An occurrence of 0 places a marker on
the selected origin. With a negative occurrence, the marker searches before
the origin. With a positive occurrence, the marker searches after the origin.
integer from 1032192 to +1032192
TWAVeform Subsystem