Day Count
15-8 Day Count
Day Count lets you calculate the number of days between two dates, or the date that is a
specified number of days from another date.
Day Count Fields
The following fields appear on the Day Count calculation page.
Field Description
d1 Month (1-12); Day (1-31); Year (1902-2097)
d2 Month (1-12); Day (1-31); Year (1902-2097)
Days Number of days from d1 to d2
Financial Application Default Setup for Examples
You can use the [Format] tab to change the following setting.
Days in Year: 365 days
• The format used for the date on the Day Count screen is the one you select under
“Configuring Default Financial Application Settings” on page 15-1-4.
• Calculating the date that is a specified number of days from another date is valid only when
Days in Year is set to 365.
Example 1
How many days ([Days]) are there from March 3, 2005 (d1) to June 11, 2005 (d2)?
• Pressing
after inputting a value advances to the next field.