Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 16 SNMP
16.6 16.6 SNMP Management Information Bases
16.6 SNMP Management Information Bases
Section 16.6.1 lists IETF-standard MIBs that are implemented in the ONS 15454 and shows their
compilation order. Section 16.6.2 lists proprietary MIBs for the ONS 15454 and shows their compilation
order. Section 16.6.3 contains information about the generic threshold and performance monitoring
MIBs that can be used to monitor any network element (NE) contained in the network.
16.6.1 IETF-Standard MIBs for the ONS 15454
Table 16-2 lists the IETF-standard MIBs implemented in the ONS 15454 SNMP agents.
First compile the MIBs in Table 16-2. Compile the Table 16-3 MIBs next.
Caution If you do not compile MIBs in the correct order, one or more might not compile correctly.
Table 16-2 IETF Standard MIBs Implemented in the ONS 15454 System
Number Module Name Title/Comments
— IANAifType-MIB.mib Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) ifType
1213 RFC1213-MIB-rfc1213.mib Management Information Base for Network
1907 SNMPV2-MIB-rfc1907.mib Management of TCP/IP-based Internets: MIB-II
Management Information Base for Version 2 of the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1253 RFC1253-MIB-rfc1253.mib OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1493 BRIDGE-MIB-rfc1493.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
(This defines MIB objects for managing MAC bridges
based on the IEEE 802.1D-1990 standard between Local
Area Network [LAN] segments.)
2819 RMON-MIB-rfc2819.mib Remote Network Monitoring Management Information
2737 ENTITY-MIB-rfc2737.mib Entity MIB (Version 2)
2233 IF-MIB-rfc2233.mib Interfaces Group MIB using SNMPv2
2358 EtherLike-MIB-rfc2358.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
Interface Types
2493 PerfHist-TC-MIB-rfc2493.mib Textual Conventions for MIB Modules Using
Performance History Based on 15 Minute Intervals
2495 DS1-MIB-rfc2495.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1, E1, DS2
and E2 Interface Types
2496 DS3-MIB-rfc2496.mib Definitions of Managed Object for the DS3/E3 Interface
2558 SONET-MIB-rfc2558.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
Interface Type