Citizen iDP3310 Printer User Manual

iDP3310 User's Manual
P-250,P-900R, 42ch
[Function] Request Printer Status
[Code] <1B>H<64>H
[Outline] This command sends the 1-byte status messages shown below in the P-250 mode, P-900R
mode, and 42-column mode. This command is valid only for the serial interface.
Bit Code Function
0 L Paper end With paper Without paper
1 X Not defined
2 X Not defined
3 X Not defined
4 X Not defined
5 1 Not defined - - Fixed at 1
6 F Mechanical error Without error With error
7 P Parity - - - -
[Caution] This command is ignored for the parallel interface, and in the P-200 mode and 40-column
mode. If the paper runs out or there is a mechanical error, the data may not be received.
[See Also] ESC a
ESC e (n) ;
[Function] Set Right Margin
[Code] <1B>H<65H>(n)<3B>H
[Range] 1
42 (<30>H
[Outline] In the P-250 mode and P-900R mode, this command controls whether the characters should
be printed or at which position of the line they should be printed. If the parameter is set
between 1 and 42, the printer will print automatically when the n-th printable character is
received. If the parameter is set beyond these limits, this command will be ignored.
[Caution] Be sure to add ";"(<3B>H) to the end of the parameter. The command is ignored in other than
the P-250 mode and P-900R mode.
[Default] The characters are printed after the LF command is received in the 42-column mode.
[Sample Program] When setting the right margin to 10
ESC e 10;
LPRINT CHR$(&H1B)+"e10;" ;