npd Pseudo-device Interface
Process ID of npd daemon
Internal Ethernet Adapter IP address or IP name serviced
by npd
Internal Ethernet Adapter I/O port used by npd (i.e. prn)
Master device used by npd
Slave device used by npd
Name linked to the slavefile by npd
153 spike prn/dev/ptyq1 /dev/ttyq1 /dev/spike.prn
is the log entry for the npd daemon using process ID 153.
You can acquire the process ID of the npd daemon that needs to be
stopped and execute the following kill command for that process:
kill -TERM
IBM has a unique print spooler system that uses the qdaemon
program. Use the following steps to interface with the Internal Ethernet
Adapter using rsh:
NOTE: These steps and associated examples refer to a setup with a
queue named queue2, a queue device named lp0, printing to a
destination d1prn on the Internal Ethernet Adapter named
1. Create a device. Enter:
smit pdp
2. Select Printer/Plotter, then Add a Printer/Plotter. Follow the
prompts until SMIT executes the “mkdev” command to create this
NOTE: Select parallel as the interface.
Select p as the
port number.
Select ppa0 as the adapter.
Select a printer type that best matches what you are doing.
Select device lp0. If this deice is not available, go back and
select “Remove a Printer/Plotter” and remove lp0 making it
available for your next run through. AIX has a limit of four
physical devices. If you run out, IBM suggests deleting the
device after completing a print setup.
3. Create a new queue. Enter:
mkque -q queue2