Select LPI
This is the number of lines to be printed per inch. For example, at 6 lpi
there is 1/6 inch from the top of one print line to the top of the next print
Auto Uppercase
This parameter enables the printer to print text in all uppercase when
using the ALPHA command.
• Disable. The printer will print text in upper and lowercase.
• Enable. The printer will print text in uppercase only.
Skip Command Prefix
This parameter determines if the printer will print any data before an
IGP/PGL command is received.
• Enable. The printer ignores all data on the current line before an
IGP/PGL command.
• Disable. The printer will print all data on the current line before an
IGP/PGL command.
Power On IGP/PGL
You can set the IGP/PGL feature so that it is enabled or disabled when
the printer is powered on.
• Enable. The IGP/PGL is enabled when the printer is powered on.
(The IGP/PGL feature is initialized in the Normal mode.)
• Disable. The IGP/PGL is disabled when the printer is powered on.
(The IGP/PGL feature is initialized to the Quiet mode.)