Auto LF
This option defines the printer actions when print data is received past
the forms width setting.
• Enable. Performs an automatic carriage return and line feed when
data is received past the forms width.
• Disable. Discards any data past the forms width.
Define LF Code
• LF = LF. Does not perform an automatic carriage return when a line
feed command is received. The next print position will be the
current print position of the next line.
• LF = CR + LF. Forces an automatic carriage return with each line
feed command received. The next print position is print position 1 of
the next line.
FF Valid at TOF
• Enable. Performs a form feed when the host sends a Form Feed
command and the printer is at the top of form.
• Disable. Will not perform a form feed when the host sends a Form
Feed command and the printer is at the top of form.
Character Set
Specifies a character set. To use one of these sets, choose the desired
character set and press ENTER.