Visual Manager User Interface
StorageWorks by Compaq Network Storage Router M2402 User Guide 4-31
Writer: Kim L. Miller File Name: e-ch4 Visual Manager User Interface.doc
Codename: Part Number: 269782-001 Last Saved On: 2/22/02 4:14 PM
• Default Map—(default: auto-assigned) sets the current mapping mode for the
selected port.
The current map can be set to:
— Indexed
— Auto-assigned—(default) contains all the SCSI devices that are attached to
the router.
For more information about mapping modes, see Appendix C, “Addressing
Methods and Table Structures.”
For information on changing map settings, see “Mapping Menu” later in this
• Performance Mode—(default: 1 Gb/s) toggles between 1 Gb/s and 2 Gb/s.
NOTE: If set incorrectly and the router is plugged into a Loop or Fabric, the unit may
receive Framing errors due to the incorrect Fibre Channel link speed.
• Override Settings—enhances interoperability with some storage devices that
require special consideration during setup of the router configuration menus.
CAUTION: If these configuration settings are incorrectly set, processing
difficulties may occur. Before changing these settings, evaluate the need for the
change and verify the desired setting. Compaq recommends backing up the
router configuration to an external file before making changes to this setting.
— Hi-Sup Bit—toggles between Set and Clear.
— Force FCP Response Code—toggles between Off and On for support of
Compaq-specific HBA #223180-B21 and #120186-001.
— Initiator Bit—toggles between Set and Clear.
When using the router in a router-to-router configuration, this option should
be configured to Set. A router-to-router configuration is a type of
configuration where one router appears as a target to another initiator router.
— Link Garbage Deletion—toggles between Enabled and Disabled.