322 Index
Refresh button, 119
Refresh Mode, 212
Regular, 126
Relative humidity, 257
Removing toner cartridge, 263
Report Page, 189
Reports, 126, 200
Reset Defaults, 133, 207, 231
Reset Print Server, 150
Restart Printer, 151
Restore Settings button, 119
Return policy, 312
Right frame, 118
Safety information, 20
Secure Settings, 125, 128, 233
Security, 151
Security Settings, 149
Security slot, 26
Select Reorder URL, 126
Selecting paper, 157
Selecting preprinted
letterhead, 158
Selecting preprinted media, 158
Selecting pre-punched
paper, 159
Sending print job, 187
Service code, 21
Service Tag, 21, 226
Set button, 183, 245
Set Password, 112, 118, 151
Setting the IP Address, 39
Setup diagram, 20
Shared Printing, 91
SNMP, 138, 141, 146
Software Update, 238
SSID, 149
Status Monitor Console, 237
Status Monitor Widget, 240
Status of supplies, 261
Storage, 257
Storage humidity range, 257
Storing consumables, 262
Storing Print Media, 162
Storing print media, 187, 262
Contacting Dell, 312
Supported paper size, 162
System Settings, 124, 127, 140,
201, 223
TCP/IP, 141