144 Default Settings
SNMP Traps Enabled
Auto Configuration Enabled
Auto Save Disabled
Stacking Enabled
Nonstop Forwarding on the Stack Enabled
sFlow Enabled
ISDP Enabled (Versions 1 and 2)
RMON Enabled
TACACS+ Not configured
RADIUS Not configured
SSH/SSL Disabled
Telnet Enabled
Denial of Service Protection Disabled
Captive Portal Disabled
Dot1x Authentication (IEEE 802.1X) Disabled
MAC-Based Port Security All ports are unlocked
Access Control Lists (ACL) None configured
IP Source Guard (IPSG) Disabled
DHCP Snooping Disabled
Dynamic ARP Inspection Disabled
Protected Ports (Private VLAN Edge) None
Energy Detect Mode Disabled
EEE Lower Power Mode Disabled
PoE Plus (POE switches) Auto
Flow Control Support (IEEE 802.3x) Enabled
Head of Line Blocking Prevention Disabled
Maximum Frame Size 1500 bytes
Table 6-1. Default Settings (Continued)
Feature Default