214 Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
Accounting is used to record security events, such as a user logging in or
executing a command. Accounting records may be sent upon completion of
an event (stop-only) or at both the beginning and end of an event (start-
stop). There are three types of accounting: commands, Dot1x, and exec.
—Sends accounting records for command execution.
—Sends accounting records for network access.
—Sends accounting records for management access (logins).
For more information about the data sent in accounting records, see "Which
RADIUS Attributes Does the Switch Support?" on page 234 and "Using
TACACS+ Servers to Control Management Access" on page 237.
Table 10-4 shows the valid methods for each type of accounting:
Table 10-4. Accounting Methods
Method Commands Dot1x Exec
radius no yes yes
tacacs yes no yes