Digi 90031300 Network Router User Manual

T1 Modem Bank
+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion
Command syntax: +FDFFC=<value>
0: Disable mismatch checking. The DTE must check the +FDCS:DF subparameter, and transfer
matching data.
+FDIS Current Session Parameters.
Command syntax: +FDIS=VR,BR,WD,LN,DF,EC,BF,ST
Response syntax: VR,BR,WD,LN,DF,EC,BF,ST
Valid Values:
VR: Vertical resolution
0: Normal, 98 lpi
1: Fine, 196 lpi
BR: Bit rate
0: 2400 bps V.27ter
1: 4800 bps V.27ter
2: 7200 bps V.29 or V.17
3: 9600 bps V.29 or V.17
4: 12000 bps V.33 or V.17
5: 14400 bps V.33 or V.17
WD: Page width
0: 1728 pixels in 215 mm
LN: Page length
0: A4, 297 mm
2: Unlimited length
DF: Data compression format
0: 1-D modified Huffman
EC: Error Correction
0: Disable ECM
BF: Binary file transfer
0: Disable BFT
ST: Scan time/line
VR=Normal VR=Fine
0: 0 ms 0 ms
1: 5 ms 5 ms
2: 10 ms 5 ms
3: 10 ms 10 ms
4: 20 ms 10 ms
5: 20 ms 20 ms
6: 40 ms 20 ms
7: 40 ms 40 ms