Appendix E.1 Ground Test Procedure
The purpose of the GTS is to confirm integrity of grounding path. This test is performed when the sys-
tem is completely shutdown and isolated from all external powers. Use the checklist below.
Items Required
• Handheld Multimeter - Ohmmeter
The ground-test procedure consists of verifying the resistance between the following points (expected
values are given in some instances):
• PE and PPM Box (0 Ohms)
• PE and MCM Box (0 Ohms)
• PE and outer containment (0 Ohms)
• PE and door 0 Ohms.
• PE and external capacitor box (0 Ohms)
• PE and right side of enclosure (0 Ohms)
• PE and left side of enclosure (0 Ohms)
• PE and bottom of enclosure (0 Ohms)
• PE and top of enclosure (0 Ohms)
• PE and water slide (0 Ohms)
• PE and the ground on fused disconnect
• PE and the building ground
Connect tester cable to non-painted metal or screw for testing.