9033645-01 VH-2402S User Interface 51
802.1Q VLAN Static Table Configuration
Use this screen to create a new VLAN or modify the settings for an
existing VLAN. You can add/delete port members for a VLAN from any
unit in the stack, or prevent a port from being automatically added to a
VLAN via the GVRP protocol. (Also, note that all ports can only belong to
one untagged VLAN. This is set to VLAN 1 by default, but can be changed
via the Port Assignment VLAN Configuration screen on page 53.)
Figure 2-38. 802.1Q VLAN Static Table Configuration
Vertical Horizon Local Management -- VH-2402S
1Q VLAN Static Table Configuration
VID VLAN Name Status
1 Active
Unit Egress Ports Forbidden Egress Ports
1. 111111111111 111111111111 ---- 000000000000 000000000000 ----
2. ------------ ------------ ---- ------------ ------------ ----
3. ------------ ------------ ---- ------------ ------------ ----
4. ------------ ------------ ---- ------------ ------------ ----
Unit Untagged Ports
1. 111111111111 111111111111 ---- VID : 1
2. ------------ ------------ ---- [Show]
3. ------------ ------------ ---- [More]
4. ------------ ------------ ---- [New]
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
<Enter> to select.
Parameter Description
VID The ID for the VLAN currently displayed. Range: 1-2048
VLAN Name A user-specified symbolic name for this VLAN.
String length: Up to 8 alphanumeric characters
Status Sets the current editing status for this VLAN as:
Not in Service, Destroy, or Active.
Unit Stack unit.
Egress Ports Set the entry for any port in this field to “1” to add it to the displayed
VLAN, or “0” to remove it from the VLAN.
Forbidden Egress
Prevents a port from being automatically added to this VLAN via
Untagged Ports Set the entry for any port in this field to “1” to add it to the displayed
VLAN as an untagged port.
[Show] Displays settings for the specified VLAN.
[More] Displays consecutively numbered VLANs.
[New] Sets up the screen for configuring a new VLAN.