156 Index
Wi-Fi Protected Setup, 74 to 79
configuring for wireless, 60 to 62, 66 to 70
display problems, 129
resolution setting, 130
Vista, 94 to 96
Wired network, 90 to 91
EAP, 85 to 86
EAP-TLS, 86 to 87
LEAP, 85 to 86
module, 10
network module, 89
PEAP, 85 to 86
presentation, 53 to 96
problems, 134 to 136
Quick Wireless Connection, 54 to 55
security, 80 to 88
WEP encryption, 81 to 83
Windows Vista, 94 to 96
WPA security, 83 to 84
Wireless, mouse, 34, 43
WPA security, 83 to 84
WPS connection, 74 to 79
Zoom ratio, 141
Zooming image, 22, 31