Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management
8.1 Advanced Copy Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
• Source Volume No.
The copy source volume number is displayed. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
• Destination Volume No.
The copy destination volume number is displayed. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is
• Remote Session ID
The session ID for the remote device is displayed.
• Type
The copy session type is displayed using an abbreviation (REC).
• Status
The copy session status is displayed.
- Active
Operating normally
- Reserve
Session ID reserved
- Suspend
Suspended by an instruction from the host
- Halt
Remote copy disabled due to an error
- Error Suspend
Copy canceled due to an error
- Unknown
A status other than the ones listed above
• Phase
The copy session phase is displayed. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
- Copying
- Equivalent
Maintaining equivalent status of the copy source and copy destination that are duplicated after copy is
• Error Code
The error code is displayed when an error occurs. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
Refer to "Appendix K Error Code" (page 1064)
for details.
• Direction
The copy direction of the applicable session is displayed. If the status is " Reserved", a "-" (hyphen) is
- From Local/To Remote
Session from the local device (copy source) to the remote device (copy destination)
- From Remote/To Local
Session from the remote device (copy source) to the local device (copy destination)