Fujitsu M8000 Server User Manual

Chapter 4 FRU Removal Preparation 4-7
1. Configuring into a domain
To configure CMU or IOU into the domain, enter the following command from
the terminal that is connected to the XSCF:
The system administrator permission is required for executing this command.
2. Checking resources
Log in to the XSCF and execute the showboard command to verify that the target
CMU or IOU has been correctly configured. Configuring a PCI card
1. From the Solaris OS, use the cfgadm command to configure and connect the
component to the domain:
where AP_ID is the IOU and PCI card as shown in the output of cfgadm.
2. Use the cfgadm command to confirm the component is now connected and
4.2.4 Confirming the Hardware
1. Confirm that the replacement components are normal by using the
showhardconf or showstatus command of XSCF.
Unless "*" is displayed for a replacement CMU, CPU, or DIMM, it is operating
XSCF> addboard -c configure -d 0 00-0
# cfgadm -c configure AP_ID
# cfgadm
AP_ID Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
iou#0-pci#1 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
iou#0-pci#2 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
iou#0-pci#3 etherne/hp connected configured ok
iou#0-pci#4 fibre/hp connected configured ok