Chapter 2 Product Overview and Troubleshooting 2-25
■ The software configuration and version can be checked in the Solaris Operating
System. Refer to the Solaris OS documentation for more information.
■ The firmware configuration and versions can be checked from the maintenance
terminal using XSCF Shell commands. Refer to the SPARC Enterprise
M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide for more detailed
Check the software and firmware configuration information with assistance from the
system administrator. However, if you have received login authority from the system
administrator, the following commands can be used from the maintenance terminal
for these checks: Checking the Software Configuration
The following procedure for these checks can be made from any terminal window
1. Execute the showrev command.
The showrev command will print the system configuration information to the
TABLE 2-6 Commands for Checking the Software Configuration
Command Description
showrev(1M) Displays information on patches applied to the system.
uname(1) Outputs current information regarding the system to the standard output.
TABLE 2-7 Commands for Checking the XSCF Firmware Configuration
Command Description
version(8) XSCF Shell command that outputs the current firmware version information.
showhardconf(8) XSCF Shell command that displays what layer of the system includes a faulty
showstatus(8) XSCF Shell command that displays the status of a component. This command is used
when only a faulty component is to be checked.
showdcl(8) XSCF Shell command that displays the configuration information of a domain
(hardware resource information).
showfru(8) XSCF Shell command that displays the setting information of a device.
# showrev