Fujitsu M8000 Server User Manual

Chapter 4 FRU Removal Preparation 4-23
Output for the showhardconf command (Continued)
Refer to the showhardconf man page for more information.
2. Verify the state of the status LEDs on the FRU.
Refer to
TABLE 2-11 and TABLE 2-12 for LED status.
XBU_B#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0201h; Serial:PP0641X324 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06620-D301 A6 ;
CLKU_B#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:PP0542M679 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06629-D042 A1 ;
OPNL#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:PP06058246 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06629-D061 A1 ;
PSU#0 Status:Normal; Serial:;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA01022-0690;
+ Power_Status:On;
FANBP_A#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:PP0607D266 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA21123-B54X 003AC ;
FAN_A#0 Status:Normal; Serial:PA0605B287;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06501-D023 A2 /371-2222-00 ;
FAN_A#15 Status:Normal; Serial:PA0605B303;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06501-D023 A2 /371-2222-00 ;
FANBP_B#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0201h; Serial:PP0607D270 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA21123-B55X 003AC ;
FAN_A#4 Status:Normal; Serial:PA0605B297;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06501-D023 A2 /371-2222-00 ;
FAN_A#9 Status:Normal; Serial:PA0605B300;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA06501-D023 A2 /371-2222-00 ;
SWBP#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:PP0607E759 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA20394-B16X 001AA ;
MEDBP#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:PP06058497 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA20394-B17X 002AB ;