3 Click OK.
Note To restore default print settings, select Default Print Settings in the Print Task
Quick Sets drop-down list, and then click OK.
Creating a print task quick set
Follow these steps to create a print task quick set:
1 Open the Printer Properties dialog box.
2 Select the options that you want to include in the new print task.
3 Type a name for the new print task in the Print Task Quick Sets drop-down list,
and then click Save.
The print task quick set is added to the drop-down list.
Note If you add more options to the print task, rename the print task and then click OK.
Deleting a print task quick set
Follow these steps to delete a print task quick set:
1 Open the Printer Properties dialog box.
2 In the drop-down list, select the print task that you want to delete and then click
Note Some print task quick sets cannot be deleted.
Chapter 7
50 HP Deskjet 5700 Series