Chapter 5. Deploying pre-configured databases 247
Table 5-4 DB2 metadata for some of the database objects
Database object dependencies?
Table 5-5 lists where to find information about some of the most import
dependencies for a table.
Table 5-5 Where to find the dependent objects for a table
Use this road map to the system catalog views for further information:
Java sample application: Automating update
In this section we provide a Java application that can determine the difference
between two database configurations, generate the required DDL and SQL
statements for altering a table, and finally execute the statements. We look at the
same scenario as shown in Figure 5-4 on page 245, that is, we have some
changes in the itso.staff table in our sample database. The application is intended
to be used on the target system with no access to the source system at runtime.
Therefore, the application is shipped with the configuration of the source
database. Once started, the application connects to the target database and
retrieves the configuration by querying the DB2 metadata.
Database object DB2 metadata
Tables sysibm.systables, syscat.tables
Columns sysibm.syscolumns, syscat.columns
Views sysibm.sysviews, syscat.views
Stored procedures sysibm.procedures, syscat.procedures
Functions syscat.functions, syscat.functions
Check constraints syscat.checks
Triggers sysibm.systriggers
Indexes syscat.indexes, syscat.indexes
Database object DB2 metadata
Views syscat.tabdep
Stored procedures syscat.routines, syscat.routinedep, syscat.packagedep
Functions syscat.routines, syscat.routinedep